Edris Taufiq

"Funcle E"
Managing Director




"I'll help you get where you want to go, or your mattress is free!"


Edris may be Whistler's most archetypal salesman, but rest assured — he always uses his persuasive powers for good. Like the time he charmed the valet at Silver Lake Pool & Inn into giving his new boss, Sean, free parking for life. Or how he can hook you up with VIP seats to any game you want to go to, in any city. E may always be wheeling and dealing, but life is genuinely better when you’re in his orbit.

In many ways, E’s story is the embodiment of the American dream (and he keeps a folded-up American flag in his suit pocket as a reminder of that). Born to Afghan immigrants, not succeeding was not an option. His version of the lemonade stand was reselling Pokemon cards to kids at school, and you better believe he had a system for guaranteeing a holographic card to kids who were willing to pay top dollar. By 17, he was managing three cell phone stores, breaking all of their sales records. At 21, he became the youngest store manager in AT&T history.

His relentless drive eventually caught the attention of Cricket Wireless, where he was hired for the ambitious task of building out their New York presence from scratch. His job was to convince skeptical store owners who were loyal to competitors like MetroPCS and Boost Mobile to tear up their contracts and sign exclusive contracts with Cricket. Within two years, he grew Cricket’s footprint to 186 stores in New York, Long Island, and West New York.

After years of helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses, E decided to go into business for himself. He started a wireless store empire, spanning California, Texas, and Georgia, before eventually selling the business. From there, he dabbled in food tech and restaurant ownership (don’t ask him about that restaurant—he’s still recovering), but his real passion has always been connecting people.

Edris came to us by way of longtime Whistler recruiter Taylor Miller. “When recruiters keep telling you that you should be a recruiter, you start to think ‘maybe I should be a recruiter.’” As part of the team, he’s channeling his talent for advocating and closing deals into helping lawyers land their dream jobs. He loves a fellow entrepreneur, but he’s also a bulldog for attorneys who aren’t as good at selling themselves. As Edris says, “If I can get you where you want to go, why wouldn’t I?”

Worst Job:

"Freezer at a grocery store…But we’d eat ice cream all the time."

Is a hot dog a sandwich?:

"No way. A dog is a dog, and the Chicago dog is the king of all dogs."

Best dinner guest:

"My mom -- always."


testimonials about this recruiter:

If you don’t know Edris Taufiq yet, prepare for your life to be upgraded.

Let me tell you about the unicorn that is Edris Taufiq; a force of nature, a relationship wizard, and quite possibly the most genuinely magnetic person I’ve ever met. For over 20 years, he’s been my confidant, my sounding board, and the person who can walk into any room and instantly make it brighter. Don't take my word for it, just wait until you speak to him directly.

Edris is the type of human being you could drop into a foreign country with no connections and no map, and within a week, he’d know half the locals and their life stories. By the end of the month, he’d be honorary mayor of the town, with relationships that feel decades old. 

His ability to connect with people isn’t just remarkable—it’s an art form.

Working with Edris isn’t just effective; it’s an experience. He approaches every challenge with fearless tenacity, unmatched precision, and a level of joy that makes you wonder if he’s operating on a higher frequency. 

You need something done? Edris will dive in, learn it inside and out, and execute like he’s been doing it for years. And somehow, he makes it look effortless.

Now at Whistler Partners—a premier matchmaker for the best and brightest tech attorneys—Edris Taufiq is bringing his entrepreneurial spirit, unmatched communication skills, and that signature ability to energize any room to the world of legal recruiting. 

If you’re lucky enough to work with him, know this: he’s not just going to meet your expectations—he’s going to redefine them.

Edris is the real deal. Truly one of the highest-quality people I’ve ever had the privilege and honor to have in my life, I don't say that lightly, and I can’t wait to see the magic he’ll create at Whistler Partners.



Anoush Moin

Senior Account Executive at Kainos